Name: Xiaoyang Xin
Ph.D, supervisor: Researcher Xiaoqing Gao
Research Interest :Complexity analysis in functional magnetic resonance imaging, Computational model for decision making
Contact: 0571-88273661;
Academic papers:
1 Xin Xiaoyang, Xu Chenhong, Chen Hongyu, & Li Ying. (2018). A new decision model—quantum decision model. Advances
in Psychological Science, 26(8),1365-1373. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01365.
2 Xin Xiaoyang, Li Ying, Bi Yanling, & Yan Bihua. (2019). A quantum decision-making model based on the same thinking:
an explanation of the separation effect in the prisoner’s dilemma. Psychological Journal, 051(6)724-733.
3 Li, Y., Chen, H., Xin, X., & Ji, M. (2020). The influence of mindfulness on mental state with regard to safety among civil pilots. Journal
of Air Transport Management, 84, 101768.