Welcome to the Center for Psychological Sciences at Zhejiang University




Xiuying Qian, Ph.D.





Research Interest

Cognitive Psychology, HCI-User EX,Psychology research based on big data analytics,Vision-hapic integration,Sub-liminal Processing


Professor Xiuying Qian’s primary research interests include cognitive psychology, human factors and usability, 

Big-data-based behavioral analysis. She has published a wide range of basic and applied research, including human

 behaviors classification through big data mining, decision-making behavior, human multisensory information processing, 

and human factors. Prof. Qian received a National Second Prize on Education in 2005. She is the principal investigator for a 

three-year $1.7M research project on mobile user behavior profiling using big data analysis. Dr. Qian is currently the 

Executive Director of Zhejiang Psychological Society.


Work Experience

04/1998 – Present                Full Professor                                    Department of Psychology, Zhejiang University

03/2005 – 06/2005               Visiting Scholar                                 Department of Psychology, Indiana University, USA

10/2000 – 03/2001               Visiting Scholar                                 Department of Psychology, Indiana University, USA

06/1998 – 08/1998               Visiting Scholar                                 Department of Psychology, Indiana University, USA

03/1998 – 05/1998               Visiting Scholar                                 Department of Psychology, Washington University – St. Louis, USA

10/1997 – 04/1998               Full Professor                                    Department of Psychology, Hangzhou University

12/1992 – 10/1997               Associate Professor                          Department of Psychology, Hangzhou University

10/1994 – 12/1995               Visiting Scholar                                 Department of Psychology, Indiana University, USA

09/1990 – 11/1992               Lecturer                                             Department of Psychology, Hangzhou University

08/1982 – 08/1986               Teaching Assistant                            Department of Psychology, Hangzhou University


Education and Training

1982                                      B.S.                                                   Department of Psychology                                            Hangzhou University

1990                                      Ph.D.                                                Department of Psychology                                             East China Normal University


Selected Research Projects

1993-1995, "Vigilance performance of visual and auditory signal monitoring"

                     45,000(RMB),NSF of China, PI

1999-2001, "Cutaneous pattern perception, No.5 Ro DC00095-29"

                     Indiana University, Tactile Spatial Acuity, Part of NIH Grant,Under Professor James C. Craig. $8,700.

2003–2005, "Color Perception and Image Quality"

                     Kodak(USA), $35000, PI

2005-2007,  "haptic-vision integration"

                     210,000 (RMB), NSF of China,PI

2011-2012,  "Usability of Smartphone"

                     Huawei Technologies Co., Led. Shenzhen China,280000(RMB), PI

2015-2016,  "User profiling based on mobile behaviour"

                     Huawei Technologies Co., Led. Shenzhen China,3330000(RMB), PI

2016-2017, "User profiling based on mobile behaviour(2)"

                     Huawei Technologies Co., Led. Shenzhen China,3640000(RMB), PI

2017-2018, "Usability on big data analysis" 

                     Huawei Technologies Co., Led. Shenzhen China,3500000(RMB), PI


Selected Publications

1 Sun Z., Zhang P., Ji Z., Chen C., Wan Q.*, Qian X.*, Cross-situation consistency of mobile App users’ psychological needs, PlosOne,

   2019, 14(4): e0215819.

2 Han,J., Fang,M., Ye,S., Chen,C.,Wan,Q.*, Qian, X.*, Using Decision Tree to Predict Response Rates of Consumer Satisfaction, 

   Attitude, and Loyalty Surveys, Sustainability, 2019,Vol.11,No.8.

3 Ye,S., Cai,S., Chen,C., Wan,Q.*, Qian,X.*,How Have Males and Females Been Described Over the Past Two Centuries,Journal 

  of Research in Personality,2018,Vol.76, No.10, 6-16.

4 Sun,Z.,Ji, Z., Zhang, P., Chen, C., Qian, X.*, Du, X.*, & Wan, Q.*, Automatic labeling of mobile apps by the type of psychological 

   needs they satisfy, Telematics and Informatics, 2017, 34, 767-778.

5 Pan, L., & Qian, X.*, Effects of Prior Outcomes on Risk-Preference in Dynamic Repeated Decision-Making, Acta Psychologica 

   Sinica(Chinese), 2014, 46(12), 1860-1870.

6 Xia, Q, & Qian, X.*, Two cues of change detection: Topological structure or brightness contrast. Journal of Zhejiang University

   ( Science Edition) , 2011, 38(1) , 109- 117.

7 Wan, Q., Chen, C., & Qian, X.*,  Repetition benefit in mental rotation is independent of stimulus repetition, Memory & Cognition,

   2011, 39, 864-872.

8 Huang, Z., &  Qian, X.*, Retinal Eccentricity Affects Visual Spatial Attention Gradient, Acta Psychologica Sinica(Chinese), 2010, 

   42(10), 970−980.

9 Shi,  X.,  Shen, X.,  & Qian, X.*,  The perception Versus Action Hypothesis and Attention Guide, Psychological Science (Chinese)


10 Wan, Q. Lin, M. , & Qian, X.*, Brain Mechanisms of Priming: Representation Sharpening and Response Learning,  Psychological 

     Science (Chinese), 2010, 33(3), 534-536.

11 Huang, Z., & Qian, X.*,  Multisensory Prior Entry Effect, Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology, 2009, 15(3), 251-256.

12 Luan,Y., &  Qian,X.*, The Interaction of Visual and Haptic Judgement of Object Location, Psychological Science (Chinese), 2008, 

     31(1), 117-120.

13 Li,Y. & Qian, X.*, The effect of expertise on face recognition. Chinese Journal of Ergonomics, 2006, 12(2), 62-64.

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