1. Liu, P.*, Liu, J.T. (in press). Selfish or utilitarian automated vehicles? Deontological evaluation and public acceptance. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.https://doi.org/10.1080/10447318.2021.1876357
2. Liu, P.*, Du, Y (in press). Blame attribution asymmetry in human-automation cooperation. Risk Analysis. https://doi.org/10.1111/risa.13674 (mentioned by ScienceDaily, Eurekalert of AAAS, among others.)
3. Liu, P.*, Fei, Q.Q., Liu, J.T., Wang, J.Q. (in press) Naming is framing: The framing effect of technology name on public attitude towards automated vehicles. Public Understanding of Science. https://doi.org/10.1177/0963662520987806
4. Nordhoff, S., Malmsten, V., van Arem, B., Liu, P., Happee, R. (2021). A structural equation modeling approach for the acceptance of driverless automated shuttles based on constructs from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology and the Diffusion of Innovation Theory. Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, 78, 58–73.
5. Liu, P.* (2020) Positive, negative, ambivalent, or indifferent? Exploring the structure of public attitudes toward self-driving vehicles on public roads. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 142, 27–38.
6. Liu, P.*, Wang, L., & Vincent, C. (2020). Self-driving vehicles against human drivers: Equal safety is far from enough. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 26(4), 692–704.
7. Peng Liu* & Zhizhong Li. (2020). Quantitative relationship between time margin and human reliability. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 78, 102977.
8. Liu, P.* & Jinting Liu. (2020). Combined effect of multiple performance shaping factors on human reliability: Multiplicative or additive? International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 36, 9, 828–838.
9. Liu, P.*, Yong Du, Wang, L.*, Ju, D.Y. (2020). Ready to bully automated vehicles on roads? Accident Analysis & Prevention, 137, 105457.
10. Liu, P.* & Xu, Z.G.* (2020). Public attitude toward self-driving vehicles on public roads: Direct experience changed ambivalent people to be more positive. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. 151, 119827.
11. Liu, P., Qiu, Y.P., Hu, J.T., Tong, J.J., Zhao, J., & Li, Z.Z.* (2020). Expert judgments for performance shaping factors’ multiplier design in human reliability analysis. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 194, 106343.
12. Liu, P.*, Ma, Y.J, & Zuo, Y.Q. (2019). Self-driving vehicles: Are people willing to trade risks for environmental benefits? Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 125, 139–149.
13. Liu, H.W., Yang, R., Wang, L., & Liu, P.* (2019). Evaluating initial public acceptance of highly and fully autonomous vehicles. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 35 (11), 919–931.
14. Liu, P.*, Xu, Z.G.*, Zhao, X.M. (2019). Road tests of self-driving vehicles: Affective and cognitive pathways in acceptance formation. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 124, 354–369.
15. Liu, P.* & Wang, R. (2019). Public attitudes toward technological hazards after a technological disaster: Effects of the 2015 Tianjin Port Explosion, Tianjin, China. Disaster Prevention and Management, 28 (2), 216–227.
16. Liu, P.*, Du, Y, Xu, Z.G. (2019). Machines versus humans: People's biased responses to traffic accidents involving self-driving vehicles. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 125, 232–240.
17. Liu, P.*, Guo, Q.R., Ren, F., Wang, L., Xu, Z.G.* (2019). Willingness to pay for self-driving vehicles: Influences of demographic and psychological factors. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 100, 306–317.
18. Liu, P.*, Yang, R., & Xu, Z.G. (2019). Public acceptance of fully automated driving: Effects of social trust and risk/benefit perceptions. Risk Analysis, 39 (2), 326–341.
19. Liu, P.*, Yang, R., & Xu, Z.G. (2019). How safe is safe enough for self-driving vehicles? Risk Analysis, 39 (2), 315–325. (mentioned by ScienceDaily, among others)
20. Liu, P.*, Zhang, Y.R., & He, Z. (2019). The effect of population age on the acceptable safety of self-driving vehicles. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 185, 341–347.
21. Xu, Z.G., Zhang, K.F., Min, H.G., Zhao, X.M., & Liu, P.* (2018). What drives people to accept automated vehicles? Findings from a field experiment. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 95, 320–334.
22. Liu, Y.X., Hong, Z.S., Zhu, J., Yan, J.J., Qi, J.Q., & Liu, P.* (2018). Promoting green residential buildings: Residents' environmental attitude, subjective knowledge, and social trust matter. Energy Policy, 112, 152–161.
23. Liu, P., Lyu, X., Qiu, Y.P., He, J.D., Tong, J.J., Zhao, J., Li, Z.Z.* (2017). Identifying key performance shaping factors in digital main control rooms of nuclear power plants: A risk-based approach. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 167, 264–275.
24. Liu, P., Li, Z.Z.* (2016). Comparison between conventional and digital nuclear power plant main control rooms: A task complexity perspective, Part I: Overall results and analysis. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 51, 2–9.
25. Liu, P., Li, Z.Z.* (2016). Comparison between conventional and digital nuclear power plant main control rooms: A task complexity perspective, Part II: Detailed results and analysis. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 51, 10–20.
26. Liu, P., & Li, Z.Z.* (2014). Human error data collection and comparison with predictions by SPAR-H. Risk Analysis, 34(9), 1706–1719.
27. Liu, P., & Li, Z.Z.* (2014). Comparison of task complexity measures for emergency operating procedures: Convergent validity and predictive validity. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 121, 289–293.
28. Liu, P., & Li, Z.Z.* (2012). Task complexity: A review and conceptualization framework. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 42 (6), 553–568.
29. 刘鹏, 吕曦, 李志忠 (2015). 任务复杂度对自动化意识的影响. 航空学报, 36(11): 3678-3686.
30. 袁泉, 郝威, 彭勇, 赵晓华, 刘鹏 (2021). 智能车辆人机工程. 北京: 清华大学出版社.